How Systems Integration Can Improve Your Business Results

The pieces of a puzzle are separate units that fulfill a unique function, but we can say that none of them works as well as when they are connected and form an organized and clear picture. Right?
So, we can say that your company is like a jigsaw puzzle: formed by several pieces - sectors - that work well on their own, but that can reach their maximum potential if they work together.
Do you think your company is more like a bunch of pieces working on their own or a well-connected puzzle? If your answer is the first one, we can help you! In this post, we'll show you how systems integration can unite and improve your business results. Check it out:
What is system integration?
System integration involves the act of connecting several components into a fully functional grouping. In this way, information exchange enables software components to work together to achieve greater productivity and accurate data analysis.
We can say that systems integration is the linking of several “programs” that the company depends on functioning. For example, software that gathers information from customers, orders, production line, inventory, employees, and more.
With all this working together, the company can make the most of its systems and discover new possibilities for use, which result in several benefits. In the next topic, let's check out some of them.
What are the benefits of system integration?
By connecting all the company's information, an integrated system favors communication between sectors, data analysis, and eliminates the time lost in transferring information from one system to another manually. But not only that! Check out the benefits of systems integration for companies:
Centralizes information and facilitates access
Think of different sectors of a company: production, inventory, administration, human resources, finance, marketing, and more. Now think about all the systems these divisions use and the amount of information that might be duplicated or that could be useful to another industry.
Well, with an integrated system, a company stops storing repeated data, allows all its components to communicate in harmony, and automates the movement and updating of information, which can be accessed by all sectors with authorization.
Improves communication between sectors
It's not uncommon to hear about people disappointed with brands, the lack of synchronization between sectors, or the recurring request for data that had already been provided before.
If these brands had an integrated system, this type of situation would not happen. Because, with the components connected, information is updated in real-time and communication between sectors happens instantly.
Reduces risks of errors
When the components of a company work separately, data updating takes time to happen between sectors and this increases the chances of basic errors, which revert to losses. As an example, we can cite the case of a customer who updated his address in the company's service sector, but the information had not yet arrived at the distribution sector, as a result, the order went to the wrong place and caused the purchase to be canceled.
Facilitates decision making
Systems integration brings together data from multiple industries in one place and ensures that any updates will be synchronized in real-time. In this way, decision-making can be made based on a broader and more assertive view of everything that is happening in the company.
Contributes to increased sales
Connectivity between departments can help your team create the right strategies, based on hard data. For example, if someone integrates your online store with your CRM, you can track a customer's behavior based on past interactions and plan accurate actions with a focus on conversion.
Facilitates the data security process
It's no secret that companies handle customer data and must ensure the security and confidentiality of that information. What not everyone knows is that keeping different systems in separate sectors makes this mission very difficult. Therefore, bringing all the data together in an integrated system makes the possibility of leaks or theft much smaller.
How Systems Integration Can Improve Your Business Results?
For you to understand once and for all how systems integration can improve your company's results, we ask you to go back to reading a little, but pay attention to the areas that most impact the benefits: productivity, organization, economy, and employee satisfaction and from customers. By integrating your systems, you will not only be investing in improvements for your business but also in the well-being of everyone directly involved with it. Thus, the results will be bigger and more sustainable.
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