Innovative ideas: how do they come about?

Creating innovative ideas is a slow and arduous process, which is the search for new knowledge and improvement of the initial idea. For an entrepreneur, the first steps are business ideas. However, it is not always that ideas arise spontaneously. In most cases, it takes a few processes for this idea to have some impact or to be innovative.
One of the greatest examples of this was Tim Berners-Lee with his great invention of the Internet. Tim's initial project lasted 10 years, however, at the time he did not have a clear and complete view of his new invention, so he worked on secondary projects that organized his own data, but nevertheless ended up abandoning and starting new projects. Only after 10 years did he return to the initial project with a complete idea of what the Internet would be like.
Handle Over Time
Not all ideas come out of chance, as in eureka moments. Therefore, you need to accept the time that is necessary for the improvement of your idea. The process is slow, it will not be spontaneous.
It is important not to give up on the first attempt to create something new, ideas emerge over time and also through behaviors that will generate new knowledge. Try to use this time wisely, with the following advice.
Stimulate creativity
The process of stimulation of creativity goes from new personal habits, as well as within the companies. The creation of a creative environment is of the utmost importance, since what surrounds us has great influence in the process of improvement of the new ideas. In personal habits, the search for the new is fundamental, so reading new stories, series, movies and travel that will result in new experiences can significantly stimulate creativity.
In addition, working with other projects of different follow-ups is one of the ways to seek knowledge and stimulate creativity, that is, blurring your main idea to improve your knowledge will cause new possibilities for ideas to emerge in some way for you. When we blur the main objective, other possibilities arise and seek to show different ways for the idea of solution to that problem to finally arise.
Get in touch with people
Being with different people and in different places will show several looks about things. What's more, it will make you find problems that can be solved in a simple conversation with someone, since people can bring you different knowledge of areas that you were not thinking about to create innovative ideas and solutions.
Contact with people, in addition to shared knowledge, creates new situations, where people show their need for innovation. For example, a new place that the individual has to attend.
The situations in which they escape from the comfort zone of individuals may stimulate the creation of new ideas, as well as bring new knowledge about subjects and places that have problems to be solved previously unknown.
Accept reviews
Other people see beyond your idea, have new perspectives and ways of looking different from yours, so it's healthy to listen to all the opinions and what they have to add to your idea. Opinions add, since that your main idea may also have something in common with the idea of another person's mind.
Learn to listen to people's guesses, they will add something to your idea project, be it in a contrary or positive way to what you believe. People have a lot to contribute, as they will be able to see your idea of angles that have still been seen by you. Accept the criticisms and enjoy the results that the interaction and connection with the people will bring to get your idea out of the way.
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