Instagram releases online purchases through Stories feature

After the animation, filter and sharing features, Instagram has released a new tool on the june 12th: A purchase button for products and services in announcements made on Stories.
A popular feature that show pictures and videos for 24 hours, Stories now allow for companies to advertise their products with price and redirecting links for the user in order to close sell on e-commerce. Instagram has tested the feature on the United States, but now it is available for brazilian stores to announce products or services with a few clicks and fast configuration. For the consumers, the benefit is the possibility of having more information and easier access.
“Our instagram traffic revenue has increased 44% since the implementation of Shopping on Instagram. It is a simple and easy way to exhibit your products in a context of lifestyle, without impacting the user experience”.
Savannah Boysen, Marketing Manager at Tyme
How does it work?
At first, the feature was made available only for a few brands, but the tendency is that it is released for every business account soon.
In order to use the product tagging on instagram, you’ll need an instagram account associated with a business profile on Facebook. Each publication allows the tagging of up to five products per image or 20 products in carousel mode.
Shopping hints for instagram
Create at least nine purchase publications in your business profile on instagram in order to activate the “Purchase” option for the public.
Tag various products to help your public explore and navigate your business profile on instagram
Use Stories to show your public that it is now possible to purchase on the publications.
Use different purchasing methods: Tag a single image or a carousel
Make sure that the brands are linked to the correct products, this way the consumer will know which product the tag refers to.
How do I tag products in my posts on Instagram?
Before you begin
Your account must be approved for shopping on Instagram to tag products
Make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram app
To enable product tagging:
Tap to go to your profile
Tap the Get Started alert at the top of your profile
If you don't see the alert in the image above, tap
Tap Shopping
Tap Continue
Select a product catalog to connect to your business profile
Tap Done
If you don't see Shopping under Business Settings, your account is probably still under review or it hasn't been approved for shopping on Instagram. Usually, the review process takes a few days, but sometimes we may need to review the account in more detail, which can take longer.
To tag products in your posts:
Select a photo and add a caption, effects and filters
Tap the products in the photo that you want to tag
Enter the names of the products you want to tag, then select them as they appear in the search box
Tap Done
Tap Share
You can tag products in both new and existing posts from your Instagram business profile. You can tag up to 5 products per single-image post or 20 products per multi-image post.
You can edit or delete products you've tagged in single image posts on Instagram, but keep in mind that for multi-image posts, you can't edit or delete tagged products once your post has been published.
If you delete a product from the shop on Facebook or the product catalog that's associated with your business profile, the associated tag will be removed from any posts the product is tagged in. You'll also lose insights for the associated tag that's been deleted.
Product information in the tags and product details page will display the currency and language of your catalog to a global audience. We recommend using Insights on your Business Profile to understand your audience, and use the catalog containing the most relevant currency and language for your audience.
To preview posts or save a draft of a post, click Preview Tagged Products or Save Draft on the page that allows you to add a caption to your post, under Tag People and Tag Products
Font: Instagram
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